The 2019 Challenge:

Explaining the Human Visual Brain

Track 2 (MEG) Hidden Test Set Leaderboard: Detailed Table

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Early Interval Late Interval Score
Rank Team Name R2 Noise Normalized R2 (%) R2 Noise Normalized R2 (%) Average R2 Average Noise Normalized R2 (%)
Noise Ceiling 0.3885 100 0.4400 100 0.4143 100
1 Aakash 0.1934 49.7933 0.3055 69.4401 0.2495 60.2274
2 rmldj 0.2080 53.5460 0.2420 55.0110 0.2250 54.3240
3 agustin 0.1574 40.5026 0.2493 56.6497 0.2033 49.0780
4 ggaziv 0.1938 49.8848 0.1264 28.7378 0.1601 38.6541
5 georginjacob 0.0703 18.0934 0.1199 27.2611 0.0951 22.9621
6 mfonseca 0.0451 11.6091 0.1208 27.4629 0.0830 20.0287
7 AlexNet-OrganizerBaseline 0.0335 8.6216 0.1048 23.8186 0.0691 16.6924

The three main columns are Early and Late Interval (the two time intervals of interest), and Score (average of Early and Late). The entry with the highest Score is ranked first. R2 represents the submitted model RDM squared correlation (spearman) to the Early/Late Interval RDM. Noise Normalized R2 represents the fact that R2 values are normalized to the noise ceiling (see here for more details). AlexNet is the organizer baseline.