The Algonauts Project:

Explaining the Human Visual Brain Challenge 2019


Challenge Set Results

[Link to Challenge Report]

Track 1: fMRI

fMRI Visualisation

Challenge Scores

EVC IT Score
Rank Team Name Noise Normalized R2 (%) Noise Normalized R2 (%) Average Noise Normalized R2 (%)
Noise Ceiling 100 100 100
16 Wenxin_SU 11.3084 11.0000 11.1534

Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)

Track 2: MEG

MEG Time Series

Challenge Scores

Early Interval Late Interval Score
Rank Team Name Noise Normalized R2 (%) Noise Normalized R2 (%) Average Noise Normalized R2 (%)
Noise Ceiling 100 100 100
14 Wenxin_SU 9.8936 7.1345 8.3608

Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)